วันเสาร์ที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

ฺีฺีWhat did Bush do?.

Bush was elected president in the 2000 presidential election and re-elected in the 2004 presidential election. He previously served as the forty-sixth Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000, and is the eldest son of former United States president George H. W. Bush.

Following college, Bush worked in his family's oil businesses before making an unsuccessful run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before returning to politics in a campaign for Governor of Texas. He defeated Ann Richards and was elected Governor of Texas in 1994. Bush won the presidency in 2000 as the Republican candidate in a close and controversial contest, in which he lost the nationwide popular vote, but won the electoral vote.

As president, Bush pushed through a $1.3 trillion tax cut program and the No Child Left Behind Act. In October 2001, after the attacks on September 11, 2001, Bush announced a global War on Terrorism and ordered an invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban, destroy Al-Qaeda, and to capture Osama bin Laden. In March 2003, Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, asserting that Iraq was in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 and that the war was necessary for the protection of the United States.

Running as a self-described "war president" in the midst of the Iraq War, Bush was re-elected in 2004. His presidential campaign against Senator John Kerry was successful despite controversy over Bush's prosecution of the Iraq War and his handling of the economy.After his re-election, Bush received increasingly heated criticism. His domestic approval has declined from 90 percent (the highest ever recorded by The Gallup Organization) immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks to a low of 26 percent (in a Newsweek poll taken in June 2007), the lowest level for any sitting president in 35 years. Only Harry Truman and Richard Nixon scored lower.

My king

This video is about My King RAMA 9 that are the great king in the world,and he is the most oldest king in the world to.The song is about him about the picture of him.All the house in Thailand must have picture's king. I saw the picture since i was 3 year olds.I asked my mom who is he. My mom said " he is angel". I not respect in my mom because the angel must have wing, but he didn't have. It was crazy. But when i was 17 year olds. I have more experience to decide in many story. I though every project's Thai king all anything is good project for my country.
He is more than king. Might be he is King of king. I love my king.
The picture might be have in all house song
On behalf of thai man in These country. I love my king so much. I respect my king.
I will die for king ,nation.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Next step aganist!

That are my job. I will have job to tech a child in Kumon tutor. Actually,I never think i get these job because i'm not prepare myself to interview my profile with Kumon's owner. I was teach music in Joseph Marching Band since i study in high- school, but i abandon that. I'm staff and alumni not teacher now.
Today, that is my holiday, but i prepare my exam because it near final exam. I have six subject in these term. What i have done!.
I have some dream to entrance to DSI. DSI is department of special investigation. I want to have position in DSI. DSi like FBI in USA. But, i must learn before think to my future.

I have some video to present you about DCI.That is Madison scout in 2003.The Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps is a highly competitive summer youth drum corps in the Drum Corps International (DCI) circuit. It was founded in 1938, is based out of Madison, Wisconsin, and is the third oldest corps in the DCI circuit. The Cadets, and the The Racine Scouts were founded in 1934 and 1927, respectively. The Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps currently belongs to the Madison Drum and Bugle Corps Association umbrella organization.The corps is one of two remaining all-male corps, the other being The Cavaliers.
Being of Boy Scout origin, the corps symbol is the Fleur-de-lis. The members of the corps are registered with the Four Lakes Council of the Boy Scouts of America as Venturers.
The corps song of the Madison Scouts is "You'll Never Walk Alone" like Liverpool FC.

Now,I have plan about my ALSA(Asian law student association) project . I was vice president in high school, so i had many problem to my project. But my friend in my organization are concerned with my ability. They unknown to my intelligent. Don't worry my friend.
These plan are about last seminar in ALSA. They will go to Bhan Phu Waan. The pastoral training center of bangkok archdiocese.

วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

DCI is Drum Corps International.The video show about the Madison scouts that the marching band in competition. They have motto was entertaining fans from the beginning.
The show has been in 1999.The best show in them history's band.The 1999 Madison Scouts continued to bring every audience they performed for, to it's feet with their emotional, effect-laden production based on the music from the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar."
The DCI Championships were held in Madison at Camp Randall, with the Spirit of Disney award for creativity, innovation and entertainment going the the Madison Scouts for the third time in four years.
The feature film, Madison On Tour, a seven-year labor of love produced by Reilly Tillman (Scout's support staff member), was previewed in the Twin Cities to favorable reviews. On the television screen, twelve Madison percussionists were featured in a nationally-aired Walgreen's Christmas commercial.
Former Scouts percussion staff member and marching member Stephen Weekes was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), which inspired him to start Rockin' for a Cure, in which many past and present Scouts supported him with work organizing, performing, and supporting Steve's cause. The Scouts have continued to work as hard off the field as they do on the field, as they have since their beginning 61 years earlier!

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Next step

I have my result exam in this week from World civilization. I have good score that i' m not care for my point, but i care in my project because in this course have point from project more than exam, so i must try. World civilization are the subject about history, culture , and many old kingdom in old period times.
I have many hobby ,but it has only one hobby that i have been play that very long time. That are play music in Marching Band. I play a baritone that are instrument in low bass. I favorite the ode to joy in arranger of Bangkok symphony.But i' m the music player in style of marching.

In this video to show about the worrier in old period from Sparta. That was a city in southern Greece, which existed from about the 10th century BC until the time of the Byzantine Empire. From the 7th century BC until the Roman conquest of Greece, Sparta was one of the most important Greek city states. In the 5th century BC it fought the Peloponnesian War against Athens, and temporarily gained hegemony over much of the Greek world. The modern town of Sparti was founded in 1834 on a site near the ancient city.

In antiquity Sparta was a Dorian Greek military state, originally centered in Laconia. As a city-state devoted to military training, Sparta possessed the most formidable army in the Greek world, and after achieving notable victories over the Athenian and Persian Empires, regarded itself as the natural protector of Greece. Laconia or Lacedaemon ( was the name of the wider city-state centered at the city of Sparta, though the name "Sparta" is now used for both. The Kings of Sparta were believed to be the direct descendants of Heracles. Adolf Hitler, considered Sparta to be the first National Socialist state, and praised its early eugenics treatment of deformed children.

The city of Sparta lay at the southern end of the central Laconian plain, on the right bank of the Eurotas River. The site was strategically located; guarded from three sides by mountains and controlling the routes by which invading armies could penetrate Laconia and the southern Peloponnesus via the Langhda Pass over Mt Taygetus. At the same time, its distance from the sea—Sparta was 27 miles from its seaport, Gythium—made it difficult t

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


HI! I'm Puchong who was born in Laos, so i have Laos nationality and the rule of citizen in that time the people who born in Laos can be have France nationality to. But my mother came for Thailand, and born in Thailand.She lived in Laos in 20 year ago ,so she have been Laos nationality. When i born in Laos and my mother have 2 nationality, so i have 3 nationalities Thai, Laos, France. But i'm Thai people because it is the law to control me to choose 1 nationality when i was 20 year olds.
I have 3 hobby in my life.First hobby was play music. I was play music in military band,and i was band leader. My instruments was Baritone that have tone in middle line. I joined in many big competition in Thailand. First of all were Yamaha Thailand marching band competition. S
econd was play internet ,but it was normally teenage to play internet. All teenage might to play game online or website, but I play HTML C++ visual basic in world internet. I have my own website that was WWW.ALSAAU.TH.GS. That was website about Asian law student association to promote my organization.Some time i will have project to join google about to share my server. Third was read book. I liked many kind of book, but the most of all were the series of the ring, Spiry, Loop ( J-book). That was story about science to teach me about monogram , DNA, chromosomal and many kind in science world.

When i have free time, i will go to play basketball with my friend to join my team. We might to joined in many match. But we often lose. I though we never to training in plan to fight them .
Actually, i liked football than basketball. I have mo
st favorite football. That is Real madird who was the ancient football club in Europe and the world. They have many trophy in them museum. They have been the great football team in the world. They have description was ka-la-ti- kos. It meas " We are superstar in the football's world".

Raúl González Blanco was the team captain in Real Madrid that are the famous team in the world. He succeed all many competition also in World cup, league cup, Spanish cup , and others trophy.Real Madrid won in La LI GA Spanish league 2007 . They never won in league since 2003. I thought Real Madrid would be the big success team against.

Real Madrid was the team who take the 9 trophies in Champion league. They were number 1 in ranking of the team who was champion. Second was AC Milan in 6 times.
